"ChatGPT, a Friend or Foe for Education?" Analyzing the User's Perspectives on the Latest AI Chatbot Via Reddit
Auteurs : Forhan Bin Emdad, Benhur Ravuri, Lateef Ayinde, Mohammad Ishtiaque Rahman
Résumé : Latest developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data gave rise to Artificial Intelligent agents like Open AI's ChatGPT, which has recently become the fastest growing application since Facebook and WhatsApp. ChatGPT has demonstrated its ability to impact students' classroom learning experience and exam outcomes. However, there is evidence that ChatGPT provides biased and erroneous information, yet students use ChatGPT in academic tasks. Therefore, an accurate understanding of ChatGPT user perception is crucial. This study has analyzed 247 Reddit top posts related to the educational use of ChatGPT from a prominent subreddit called "ChatGPT" for user perception analysis. Descriptive statistics, sentiment analysis using NLP techniques, and LDA topic modeling were used for analysis to gather a contextual understanding of the data. Results show that the majority of the users took a neutral viewpoint. However, there was more positive perception than negative regarding the usefulness of ChatGPT in education.
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