Integrating AI and Learning Analytics for Data-Driven Pedagogical Decisions and Personalized Interventions in Education

Auteurs : Ramteja Sajja, Yusuf Sermet, David Cwiertny, Ibrahim Demir

22 pages, 7 figures, 8537 words
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : This research study delves into the conceptualization, development, and deployment of an innovative learning analytics tool, leveraging the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-4 model. This tool is designed to quantify student engagement, map learning progression, and evaluate the efficacy of diverse instructional strategies within an educational context. Through the analysis of various critical data points such as students' stress levels, curiosity, confusion, agitation, topic preferences, and study methods, the tool offers a rich, multi-dimensional view of the learning environment. Furthermore, it employs Bloom's taxonomy as a framework to gauge the cognitive levels addressed by students' questions, thereby elucidating their learning progression. The information gathered from these measurements can empower educators by providing valuable insights to enhance teaching methodologies, pinpoint potential areas for improvement, and craft personalized interventions for individual students. The study articulates the design intricacies, implementation strategy, and thorough evaluation of the learning analytics tool, underscoring its prospective contributions to enhancing educational outcomes and bolstering student success. Moreover, the practicalities of integrating the tool within existing educational platforms and the requisite robust, secure, and scalable technical infrastructure are addressed. This research opens avenues for harnessing AI's potential in shaping the future of education, facilitating data-driven pedagogical decisions, and ultimately fostering a more conducive, personalized learning environment.

Soumis à arXiv le 15 Déc. 2023

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