Soaring from 4K to 400K: Extending LLM's Context with Activation Beacon

Auteurs : Peitian Zhang, Zheng Liu, Shitao Xiao, Ninglu Shao, Qiwei Ye, Zhicheng Dou

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : The utilization of long contexts poses a big challenge for large language models due to their limited context window length. Although the context window can be extended through fine-tuning, it will result in a considerable cost at both training and inference time, and exert an unfavorable impact to the LLM's original capabilities. In this work, we propose Activation Beacon, which condenses LLM's raw activations into more compact forms such that it can perceive a much longer context with a limited context window. Activation Beacon is introduced as a plug-and-play module for the LLM. It fully preserves the LLM's original capability on short contexts while extending the new capability on processing longer contexts. Besides, it works with short sliding windows to process the long context, which achieves a competitive memory and time efficiency in both training and inference. Activation Beacon is learned by the auto-regression task conditioned on a mixture of beacons with diversified condensing ratios. Thanks to such a treatment, it can be efficiently trained purely with short-sequence data in just 10K steps, which consumes less than 9 hours on a single 8xA800 GPU machine. The experimental studies show that Activation Beacon is able to extend Llama-2-7B's context length by $\times100$ times (from 4K to 400K), meanwhile achieving a superior result on both long-context generation and understanding tasks. Our model and code will be available at the BGE repository.

Soumis à arXiv le 07 Jan. 2024

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