Unifying Visual and Vision-Language Tracking via Contrastive Learning
Auteurs : Yinchao Ma, Yuyang Tang, Wenfei Yang, Tianzhu Zhang, Jinpeng Zhang, Mengxue Kang
Résumé : Single object tracking aims to locate the target object in a video sequence according to the state specified by different modal references, including the initial bounding box (BBOX), natural language (NL), or both (NL+BBOX). Due to the gap between different modalities, most existing trackers are designed for single or partial of these reference settings and overspecialize on the specific modality. Differently, we present a unified tracker called UVLTrack, which can simultaneously handle all three reference settings (BBOX, NL, NL+BBOX) with the same parameters. The proposed UVLTrack enjoys several merits. First, we design a modality-unified feature extractor for joint visual and language feature learning and propose a multi-modal contrastive loss to align the visual and language features into a unified semantic space. Second, a modality-adaptive box head is proposed, which makes full use of the target reference to mine ever-changing scenario features dynamically from video contexts and distinguish the target in a contrastive way, enabling robust performance in different reference settings. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that UVLTrack achieves promising performance on seven visual tracking datasets, three vision-language tracking datasets, and three visual grounding datasets. Codes and models will be open-sourced at https://github.com/OpenSpaceAI/UVLTrack.
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