Large deviation full counting statistics in adiabatic open quantum dynamics

Auteurs : Paulo J. Paulino, Igor Lesanovsky, Federico Carollo

arXiv: 2401.11933v1 - DOI (cond-mat.stat-mech)
7 + 8 pages, 3 figures

Résumé : The state of an open quantum system undergoing an adiabatic process evolves by following the instantaneous stationary state of its time-dependent generator. This observation allows one to characterize, for a generic adiabatic evolution, the average dynamics of the open system. However, information about fluctuations of dynamical observables, such as the number of photons emitted or the time-integrated stochastic entropy production in single experimental runs, requires controlling the whole spectrum of the generator and not only the stationary state. Here, we show how such information can be obtained in adiabatic open quantum dynamics by exploiting tools from large deviation theory. We prove an adiabatic theorem for deformed generators, which allows us to encode, in a biased quantum state, the full counting statistics of generic time-integrated dynamical observables. We further compute the probability associated with an arbitrary "rare" time-history of the observable and derive a dynamics which realizes it in its typical behavior. Our results provide a way to characterize and engineer adiabatic open quantum dynamics and to control their fluctuations.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Jan. 2024

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