Effect of Gravitational Waves on Yang-Mills condensates

Auteurs : Narasimha Reddy Gosala, Arundhati Dasgupta

23 pages, 20 figures
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : In this article, we investigate how the Yang-Mills (YM) wave fluctuations of the classical homogeneous YM condensate get affected by interaction with a Gravitational Wave (GW). We re-analyse the study of fluctuations of the system using vector decomposition of the gauge field into condensate, longitudinal, and transverse modes. We find that there is an energy transfer between condensate and modes, but the effect is delayed, and dependent on the initial conditions. Over a long time the modes and the condensate exchange energy in an oscillatory way, and the non-linear nature of the interactions is evident. We find that the transverse modes of the fluctuations of the gauge field are generated by the GW even if they were initially zero, and the GW determines the initial conditions for the condensate to decay. We also studied the Fermions in the background of YM condensate and GW. We find that they break the isotropy of the condensate and they also couple Fermions of different flavours of the SU(2) group. The GW induces flavour fluctuations, and this has interesting implications for experimental observations and quark-gluon plasma.

Soumis à arXiv le 22 Jan. 2024

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