GraphiMind: LLM-centric Interface for Information Graphics Design

Auteurs : Qirui Huang, Min Lu, Joel Lanir, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or, Hui Huang

Résumé : Information graphics are pivotal in effective information dissemination and storytelling. However, creating such graphics is extremely challenging for non-professionals, since the design process requires multifaceted skills and comprehensive knowledge. Thus, despite the many available authoring tools, a significant gap remains in enabling non-experts to produce compelling information graphics seamlessly, especially from scratch. Recent breakthroughs show that Large Language Models (LLMs), especially when tool-augmented, can autonomously engage with external tools, making them promising candidates for enabling innovative graphic design applications. In this work, we propose a LLM-centric interface with the agent GraphiMind for automatic generation, recommendation, and composition of information graphics design resources, based on user intent expressed through natural language. Our GraphiMind integrates a Textual Conversational Interface, powered by tool-augmented LLM, with a traditional Graphical Manipulation Interface, streamlining the entire design process from raw resource curation to composition and refinement. Extensive evaluations highlight our tool's proficiency in simplifying the design process, opening avenues for its use by non-professional users. Moreover, we spotlight the potential of LLMs in reshaping the domain of information graphics design, offering a blend of automation, versatility, and user-centric interactivity.

Soumis à arXiv le 24 Jan. 2024

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