NoteLLM: A Retrievable Large Language Model for Note Recommendation
Auteurs : Chao Zhang, Shiwei Wu, Haoxin Zhang, Tong Xu, Yan Gao, Yao Hu, Enhong Chen
Résumé : People enjoy sharing "notes" including their experiences within online communities. Therefore, recommending notes aligned with user interests has become a crucial task. Existing online methods only input notes into BERT-based models to generate note embeddings for assessing similarity. However, they may underutilize some important cues, e.g., hashtags or categories, which represent the key concepts of notes. Indeed, learning to generate hashtags/categories can potentially enhance note embeddings, both of which compress key note information into limited content. Besides, Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly outperformed BERT in understanding natural languages. It is promising to introduce LLMs into note recommendation. In this paper, we propose a novel unified framework called NoteLLM, which leverages LLMs to address the item-to-item (I2I) note recommendation. Specifically, we utilize Note Compression Prompt to compress a note into a single special token, and further learn the potentially related notes' embeddings via a contrastive learning approach. Moreover, we use NoteLLM to summarize the note and generate the hashtag/category automatically through instruction tuning. Extensive validations on real scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method compared with the online baseline and show major improvements in the recommendation system of Xiaohongshu.
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