Quiescent or dusty? Unveiling the nature of extremely red galaxies at $z>3$

Auteurs : L. Barrufet, P. Oesch, R. Marques-Chaves, K. Arellano-Cordova, J. F. W. Baggen, A. C. Carnall, F. Cullen, J. S. Dunlop, R. Gottumukkala, Y. Fudamoto, G. D. Illingworth, D. Magee, R. J. McLure, D. J. McLeod, M. J. Michałowski, M. Stefanon, P. G. van Dokkum, A. Weibel

arXiv: 2404.08052v1 - DOI (astro-ph.GA)
13 pages, 11 figures
Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : The advent of the JWST has revolutionised our understanding of high-redshift galaxies. In particular, the NIRCam instrument on-board JWST has revealed a population of Hubble Space Telescope (HST)-dark galaxies that had previously evaded optical detection, potentially due to significant dust obscuration, quiescence, or simply extreme redshift. Here, we present the first NIRSpec spectra of 23 HST-dark galaxies ($\mathrm{H-F444W>1.75}$), unveiling their nature and physical properties. This sample includes both dusty and quiescent galaxies with spectroscopic data from NIRSpec/PRISM, providing accurate spectroscopic redshifts with $\mathrm{\overline{z}_{spec} = 4.1 \pm 0.7}$. The spectral features demonstrate that, while the majority of HST-dark galaxies are dusty, a substantial fraction, $\mathrm{13^{+9}_{-6} \%}$, are quiescent. For the dusty galaxies, we have quantified the dust attenuation using the Balmer decrement ($\mathrm{H\alpha / H\beta}$), finding attenuations $\mathrm{A_{V} > 2\ mag}$. We find that HST-dark dusty galaxies are $\mathrm{H\alpha}$ emitters with equivalent widths spanning the range $\mathrm{ 68 A < EW_{H\alpha} < 550 A }$, indicative of a wide range of recent star-formation activity. Whether dusty or quiescent, we find that HST-dark galaxies are predominantly massive, with 85\% of the galaxies in the sample having masses $\mathrm{log(M_{*}/M_{\odot}) > 9.8}$. This pilot NIRSpec program reveals the diverse nature of HST-dark galaxies and highlights the effectiveness of NIRSpec/PRISM spectroscopic follow-up in distinguishing between dusty and quiescent galaxies and properly quantifying their physical properties. Upcoming research utilising higher-resolution NIRSpec data and combining JWST with ALMA observations will enhance our understanding of these enigmatic and challenging sources.

Soumis à arXiv le 11 Avr. 2024

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