A Nasal Cytology Dataset for Object Detection and Deep Learning
Auteurs : Mauro Camporeale, Giovanni Dimauro, Matteo Gelardi, Giorgia Iacobellis, Mattia Sebastiano Ladisa, Sergio Latrofa, Nunzia Lomonte
Résumé : Nasal Cytology is a new and efficient clinical technique to diagnose rhinitis and allergies that is not much widespread due to the time-consuming nature of cell counting; that is why AI-aided counting could be a turning point for the diffusion of this technique. In this article we present the first dataset of rhino-cytological field images: the NCD (Nasal Cytology Dataset), aimed to train and deploy Object Detection models to support physicians and biologists during clinical practice. The real distribution of the cytotypes, populating the nasal mucosa has been replicated, sampling images from slides of clinical patients, and manually annotating each cell found on them. The correspondent object detection task presents non'trivial issues associated with the strong class imbalancement, involving the rarest cell types. This work contributes to some of open challenges by presenting a novel machine learning-based approach to aid the automated detection and classification of nasal mucosa cells: the DETR and YOLO models shown good performance in detecting cells and classifying them correctly, revealing great potential to accelerate the work of rhinology experts.
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