Instruct 4D-to-4D: Editing 4D Scenes as Pseudo-3D Scenes Using 2D Diffusion
Auteurs : Linzhan Mou, Jun-Kun Chen, Yu-Xiong Wang
Résumé : This paper proposes Instruct 4D-to-4D that achieves 4D awareness and spatial-temporal consistency for 2D diffusion models to generate high-quality instruction-guided dynamic scene editing results. Traditional applications of 2D diffusion models in dynamic scene editing often result in inconsistency, primarily due to their inherent frame-by-frame editing methodology. Addressing the complexities of extending instruction-guided editing to 4D, our key insight is to treat a 4D scene as a pseudo-3D scene, decoupled into two sub-problems: achieving temporal consistency in video editing and applying these edits to the pseudo-3D scene. Following this, we first enhance the Instruct-Pix2Pix (IP2P) model with an anchor-aware attention module for batch processing and consistent editing. Additionally, we integrate optical flow-guided appearance propagation in a sliding window fashion for more precise frame-to-frame editing and incorporate depth-based projection to manage the extensive data of pseudo-3D scenes, followed by iterative editing to achieve convergence. We extensively evaluate our approach in various scenes and editing instructions, and demonstrate that it achieves spatially and temporally consistent editing results, with significantly enhanced detail and sharpness over the prior art. Notably, Instruct 4D-to-4D is general and applicable to both monocular and challenging multi-camera scenes. Code and more results are available at
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