A Study on the Implementation Method of an Agent-Based Advanced RAG System Using Graph
Auteurs : Cheonsu Jeong
Résumé : This study aims to improve knowledge-based question-answering (QA) systems by overcoming the limitations of existing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models and implementing an advanced RAG system based on Graph technology to develop high-quality generative AI services. While existing RAG models demonstrate high accuracy and fluency by utilizing retrieved information, they may suffer from accuracy degradation as they generate responses using pre-loaded knowledge without reprocessing. Additionally, they cannot incorporate real-time data after the RAG configuration stage, leading to issues with contextual understanding and biased information. To address these limitations, this study implemented an enhanced RAG system utilizing Graph technology. This system is designed to efficiently search and utilize information. Specifically, it employs LangGraph to evaluate the reliability of retrieved information and synthesizes diverse data to generate more accurate and enhanced responses. Furthermore, the study provides a detailed explanation of the system's operation, key implementation steps, and examples through implementation code and validation results, thereby enhancing the understanding of advanced RAG technology. This approach offers practical guidelines for implementing advanced RAG systems in corporate services, making it a valuable resource for practical application.
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