Agent Q: Advanced Reasoning and Learning for Autonomous AI Agents

Auteurs : Pranav Putta, Edmund Mills, Naman Garg, Sumeet Motwani, Chelsea Finn, Divyansh Garg, Rafael Rafailov

Résumé : Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in natural language tasks requiring complex reasoning, yet their application in agentic, multi-step reasoning within interactive environments remains a difficult challenge. Traditional supervised pre-training on static datasets falls short in enabling autonomous agent capabilities needed to perform complex decision-making in dynamic settings like web navigation. Previous attempts to bridge this ga-through supervised fine-tuning on curated expert demonstrations-often suffer from compounding errors and limited exploration data, resulting in sub-optimal policy outcomes. To overcome these challenges, we propose a framework that combines guided Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) search with a self-critique mechanism and iterative fine-tuning on agent interactions using an off-policy variant of the Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) algorithm. Our method allows LLM agents to learn effectively from both successful and unsuccessful trajectories, thereby improving their generalization in complex, multi-step reasoning tasks. We validate our approach in the WebShop environment-a simulated e-commerce platform where it consistently outperforms behavior cloning and reinforced fine-tuning baseline, and beats average human performance when equipped with the capability to do online search. In real-world booking scenarios, our methodology boosts Llama-3 70B model's zero-shot performance from 18.6% to 81.7% success rate (a 340% relative increase) after a single day of data collection and further to 95.4% with online search. We believe this represents a substantial leap forward in the capabilities of autonomous agents, paving the way for more sophisticated and reliable decision-making in real-world settings.

Soumis à arXiv le 13 Aoû. 2024

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