Application of Large Language Models in Automated Question Generation: A Case Study on ChatGLM's Structured Questions for National Teacher Certification Exams

Auteurs : Ling He, Yanxin Chen, Xiaoqiang Hu

Résumé : This study delves into the application potential of the large language models (LLMs) ChatGLM in the automatic generation of structured questions for National Teacher Certification Exams (NTCE). Through meticulously designed prompt engineering, we guided ChatGLM to generate a series of simulated questions and conducted a comprehensive comparison with questions recollected from past examinees. To ensure the objectivity and professionalism of the evaluation, we invited experts in the field of education to assess these questions and their scoring criteria. The research results indicate that the questions generated by ChatGLM exhibit a high level of rationality, scientificity, and practicality similar to those of the real exam questions across most evaluation criteria, demonstrating the model's accuracy and reliability in question generation. Nevertheless, the study also reveals limitations in the model's consideration of various rating criteria when generating questions, suggesting the need for further optimization and adjustment. This research not only validates the application potential of ChatGLM in the field of educational assessment but also provides crucial empirical support for the development of more efficient and intelligent educational automated generation systems in the future.

Soumis à arXiv le 19 Aoû. 2024

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