In Defense of RAG in the Era of Long-Context Language Models

Auteurs : Tan Yu, Anbang Xu, Rama Akkiraju

Licence : CC BY 4.0

Résumé : Overcoming the limited context limitations in early-generation LLMs, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has been a reliable solution for context-based answer generation in the past. Recently, the emergence of long-context LLMs allows the models to incorporate much longer text sequences, making RAG less attractive. Recent studies show that long-context LLMs significantly outperform RAG in long-context applications. Unlike the existing works favoring the long-context LLM over RAG, we argue that the extremely long context in LLMs suffers from a diminished focus on relevant information and leads to potential degradation in answer quality. This paper revisits the RAG in long-context answer generation. We propose an order-preserve retrieval-augmented generation (OP-RAG) mechanism, which significantly improves the performance of RAG for long-context question-answer applications. With OP-RAG, as the number of retrieved chunks increases, the answer quality initially rises, and then declines, forming an inverted U-shaped curve. There exist sweet points where OP-RAG could achieve higher answer quality with much less tokens than long-context LLM taking the whole context as input. Extensive experiments on public benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our OP-RAG.

Soumis à arXiv le 03 Sep. 2024

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