EasyRAG: Efficient Retrieval-Augmented Generation Framework for Network Automated Operations
Auteurs : Zhangchi Feng, Dongdong Kuang, Zhongyuan Wang, Zhijie Nie, Yaowei Zheng, Richong Zhang
Résumé : This paper presents EasyRAG, a simple, lightweight, and efficient retrieval-augmented generation framework for network automated operations. The advantages of our solution are: 1.Accurate Question Answering: We designed a straightforward RAG scheme based on (1) a specific data processing workflow (2) dual-route sparse retrieval for coarse ranking (3) LLM Reranker for reranking (4) LLM answer generation and optimization. This approach achieved first place in the GLM4 track in the preliminary round and second place in the GLM4 track in the semifinals. 2.Simple Deployment: Our method primarily consists of BM25 retrieval and BGE-reranker reranking, requiring no fine-tuning of any models, occupying minimal VRAM, easy to deploy, and highly scalable; we provide a flexible code library with various search and generation strategies, facilitating custom process implementation. 3.Efficient Inference: We designed an efficient inference acceleration scheme for the entire coarse ranking, reranking, and generation process that significantly reduces the inference latency of RAG while maintaining a good level of accuracy; each acceleration scheme can be plug-and-play into any component of the RAG process, consistently enhancing the efficiency of the RAG system. Our code and data are released at https://github.com/BUAADreamer/EasyRAG.
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