The effect of environment on the mass assembly history of the Milky Way and M31

Auteurs : Ewoud Wempe, Amina Helmi, Simon D. M. White, Jens Jasche, Guilhem Lavaux

arXiv: 2501.08089v1 - DOI (astro-ph.GA)
8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, submitted to A&A. Comments welcome!

Résumé : We study the mass growth histories of the halos of Milky Way and M31 analogues formed in constrained cosmological simulations of the Local Group. These simulations constitute a fair and representative set of $\Lambda$CDM realisations conditioned on properties of the main Local Group galaxies, such as their masses, relative separation, dynamics and environment. Comparing with isolated analogues extracted from the TNG dark-matter-only simulations, we find that while our M31 halos have a comparable mass growth history to their isolated counterparts, our Milky Ways typically form earlier and their growth is suppressed at late times. Mass growth associated to major and minor mergers is also biased early for the Milky Way in comparison to M31, with most accretion occurring 1 - 4 Gyr after the Big Bang, and a relatively quiescent history at later times. 32% of our Milky Ways experienced a Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage (GES)-like merger, while 13% host an LMC-like object at the present day, with 5% having both. In one case, an SMC- and a Sagittarius-analogue are also present, showing that the most important mergers of the Milky Way in its Local Group environment can be reproduced in $\Lambda$CDM. We find that the material that makes up the Milky Way and M31 halos at the present day first collapsed onto a plane roughly aligned with the Local Sheet and Supergalactic plane; after $z \sim 2$, accretion occurred mostly within this plane, with the tidal effects of the heavier companion, M31, significantly impacting the late growth history of the Milky Way.

Soumis à arXiv le 14 Jan. 2025

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