RAG-Reward: Optimizing RAG with Reward Modeling and RLHF
Auteurs : Hanning Zhang, Juntong Song, Juno Zhu, Yuanhao Wu, Tong Zhang, Cheng Niu
Résumé : Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) enhances Large Language Models (LLMs) with relevant and up-to-date knowledge, improving their ability to answer knowledge-intensive questions. It has been shown to enhance both generation quality and trustworthiness. While numerous works have focused on improving retrieval, generation, and evaluation, the role of reward models in reinforcement learning for optimizing RAG and establishing automated benchmarking pipelines remains underexplored. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{RAG-Reward}, a dataset designed to enable \textit{hallucination-free, comprehensive, reliable, and efficient RAG}. We define four key metrics for assessing generation quality and develop an automated annotation pipeline that leverages multiple LLMs to generate outputs across diverse RAG scenarios. GPT-4o is used to evaluate and construct preference data. Using \textbf{RAG-Reward}, we train reward models and apply reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) to improve LLMs' effectiveness in RAG. Experimental results show that our reward model achieves state-of-the-art performance on a held-out test set, demonstrating both the effectiveness of our approach and the quality of our dataset. Furthermore, the improved generation quality of the trained policy model highlights the feasibility of using RLHF to enhance RAG pipelines.
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