Mixed-Cultures and Alcoholic Fermentations
Auteurs : P. Escalante-Minakata, V. Ibarra-Junquera
Résumé : The population dynamics of mixed-culture and sequential-cultures in fruit-must fermentation is a very interesting problem from both the theoretical and technological stand point. By mixed-culture we refer to those fermentations in which more that one strain/species are present from the beginning of the process; and by sequential to those in which different microorganisms are added along the process. These kinds of fermentations play a key role in industry of fermented beverages. The mathematical models of such processes should represent the dynamics of multiple species growing in a mixture of substrates as the fruit must composition includes an important proportion of hexoses and pentoses. Since the flavor is a basic aspect of beverages, and in general of all fermented foods, it is fundamental to study the population dynamics and its impact in the organoleptic properties, through the influence in the volatile compound profile. The goal of this paper is to present a panorama of the investigations of these fermentative ecosystems from a biological, mathematical, and technological stand point.
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