Toward Realistic Single-View 3D Object Reconstruction with Unsupervised Learning from Multiple Images

AI-generated keywords: 3D reconstruction unsupervised learning symmetry assumptions albedo loss multi-image dataset

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  • Recovering 3D structure of an object from a single image is challenging due to its ill-posed nature.
  • Using numerous photos of the same object category can help learn a strong 3D shape prior for the object.
  • Wu et al. (2020) demonstrated success with unsupervised learning but their algorithm only works for symmetric objects.
  • Long-Nhat Ho et al. present a novel unsupervised algorithm that can learn a 3D reconstruction network from a multi-image dataset without requiring symmetry in the objects.
  • Their algorithm covers both symmetry-required and non-symmetry-required scenarios, making it more general than previous approaches.
  • They employ a novel albedo loss that improves reconstructed details and realisticity.
  • The authors demonstrate that their method surpasses previous work in both quality and robustness through experiments on datasets with various structures including single-view, multi-view, image-collection, and video sets.
  • Their approach achieves realistic single-view 3D object reconstruction without needing explicit supervision or imposing any symmetry assumptions.
  • This paper presents an important contribution towards improving the accuracy and applicability of unsupervised learning based methods for 3D object reconstruction from images.
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Authors: Long-Nhat Ho, Anh Tuan Tran, Quynh Phung, Minh Hoai

Accepted to the main ICCV 2021 conference

Abstract: Recovering the 3D structure of an object from a single image is a challenging task due to its ill-posed nature. One approach is to utilize the plentiful photos of the same object category to learn a strong 3D shape prior for the object. This approach has successfully been demonstrated by a recent work of Wu et al. (2020), which obtained impressive 3D reconstruction networks with unsupervised learning. However, their algorithm is only applicable to symmetric objects. In this paper, we eliminate the symmetry requirement with a novel unsupervised algorithm that can learn a 3D reconstruction network from a multi-image dataset. Our algorithm is more general and covers the symmetry-required scenario as a special case. Besides, we employ a novel albedo loss that improves the reconstructed details and realisticity. Our method surpasses the previous work in both quality and robustness, as shown in experiments on datasets of various structures, including single-view, multi-view, image-collection, and video sets.

Submitted to arXiv on 06 Sep. 2021

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2109.02288v2

This paper's license doesn't allow us to build upon its content and the summarizing process is here made with the paper's metadata rather than the article.

The task of recovering the 3D structure of an object from a single image is challenging due to its ill-posed nature. One approach to address this challenge is to use numerous photos of the same object category to learn a strong 3D shape prior for the object. Wu et al. (2020) demonstrated the success of this approach by obtaining impressive 3D reconstruction networks with unsupervised learning. However, their algorithm only works for symmetric objects, limiting its applicability. In this paper, Long-Nhat Ho et al. present a novel unsupervised algorithm that can learn a 3D reconstruction network from a multi-image dataset without requiring symmetry in the objects. Their algorithm covers both symmetry-required and non-symmetry-required scenarios, making it more general than previous approaches. Additionally, they employ a novel albedo loss that improves reconstructed details and realisticity. The authors demonstrate that their method surpasses previous work in both quality and robustness through experiments on datasets with various structures, including single-view, multi-view, image-collection, and video sets. Their approach achieves realistic single-view 3D object reconstruction without needing explicit supervision or imposing any symmetry assumptions. Overall, this paper presents an important contribution towards improving the accuracy and applicability of unsupervised learning based methods for 3D object reconstruction from images.
Created on 16 Apr. 2023

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