Design and Implementation of Electronic Infrastructure For Academic Establishment

Authors: Omar Ali Athab, Ahmed Mohammed Saheb

12 pages, journal article
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Most establishments including academic institutions under goes the lengthy process of study-based document handling such as direct mailing, indexing and tracking. This daily task is time consuming and resource-intensive. Using a private network dedicated for such document management would benefit the establishment increasing operational efficiency. In this study, the Information and Communication Engineering (ICE) Department was used as a model to determine the requirements needed to build the intranet network. A packet tracer simulator was used to build a virtual intranet architecture.Then the simulation report was examined to ensure optimum functionality. Upon establishing a stable behavior an intranet infrastructure building commenced using the available hardware components and software.The system architecture was based on Windows 2012R2 server to manage 3 separated sub-networks connected to three switches and one router. Running the intranet for one semester proved its success in providing a fast, cheap and simplified service for all department needs. The accomplished system is a step forward to achieve a full electronic department in scientific establishments.

Submitted to arXiv on 08 Feb. 2022

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