Dispersed, condensed and self-limiting states of geometrically frustrated assembly
Authors: Nicholas W. Hackney, Christopher Amey, Gregory M. Grason
Abstract: In self-assembling systems, geometric frustration leads to complex states characterized by internal gradients of shape misfit. Frustrated assemblies have drawn recent interest due to the unique possibility that their thermodynamics can sense and select the finite size of assembly at length scales much larger than constituent building blocks or their interactions. At present, self-limitation is chiefly understood to derive from zero-temperature considerations, specifically the competition between cohesion and scale-dependent elastic costs of frustration. While effects of entropy and finite temperature fluctuations are necessarily significant for self-assembling systems, their impact on the self-limiting states of frustrated assemblies is not known. We introduce a generic, minimal model of frustrated assembly, and establish its finite-temperature and concentration dependent thermodynamics by way of simulation and continuum theory. The phase diagram is marked by three distinct states of translation order: a dispersed vapor; a defect-riddled condensate; and the self-limiting aggregate state. We show that, at finite temperature, the self-limiting state is stable at intermediate frustration. Further, in contrast to the prevailing picture, its thermodynamic boundaries with the macroscopic disperse and bulk states are temperature controlled, pointing to the essential importance of translational and conformational entropy in their formation.
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