Zephyr: Direct Distillation of LM Alignment

AI-generated keywords: Large Language Models

AI-generated Key Points

  • Surge in development of large language models (LLMs) for building chatbots and other applications
  • LLaMA model opened up opportunities for research on efficient fine-tuning, longer prompt context, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), and quantization
  • Introduction of open access text-based LLMs like MPT, RedPajama-INCITE, Falcon, Llama 2, Mistral 7B
  • Zephyr-7B built upon Mistral 7B due to strong performance
  • Focus on improving small model performance through distillation with methods like self-instruct and Alpaca model
  • Other models like Vicuna and WizardLM explored different approaches to distillation
  • Comparison of approach with Xwin-LM using PPO for preference optimization
  • Development of benchmarking tools using powerful LLMs like GPT-4 and Claude for evaluating language models
  • Goal is to align an open-source large language model with user intent through several stages similar to InstructGPT
  • Step 1 involves distilled supervised fine-tuning (dSFT) to maximize log likelihood of student model's outputs compared to dataset C consisting of input-output pairs (x , y)
  • Detailed longer summary provides overview of related work in the field including development of open LLMs, approaches for improving small model performance through distillation, and benchmarking tools used for evaluating language models.
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Authors: Lewis Tunstall, Edward Beeching, Nathan Lambert, Nazneen Rajani, Kashif Rasul, Younes Belkada, Shengyi Huang, Leandro von Werra, Clémentine Fourrier, Nathan Habib, Nathan Sarrazin, Omar Sanseviero, Alexander M. Rush, Thomas Wolf

License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: We aim to produce a smaller language model that is aligned to user intent. Previous research has shown that applying distilled supervised fine-tuning (dSFT) on larger models significantly improves task accuracy; however, these models are unaligned, i.e. they do not respond well to natural prompts. To distill this property, we experiment with the use of preference data from AI Feedback (AIF). Starting from a dataset of outputs ranked by a teacher model, we apply distilled direct preference optimization (dDPO) to learn a chat model with significantly improved intent alignment. The approach requires only a few hours of training without any additional sampling during fine-tuning. The final result, Zephyr-7B, sets the state-of-the-art on chat benchmarks for 7B parameter models, and requires no human annotation. In particular, results on MT-Bench show that Zephyr-7B surpasses Llama2-Chat-70B, the best open-access RLHF-based model. Code, models, data, and tutorials for the system are available at https://github.com/huggingface/alignment-handbook.

Submitted to arXiv on 25 Oct. 2023

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 2310.16944v1

In recent years, there has been a surge in the development of large language models (LLMs) that have been used as starting points for building chatbots and other applications. After the release of ChatGPT, the LLaMA model opened up opportunities for research on efficient fine-tuning, longer prompt context, retrieval augmented generation (RAG), and quantization. Several open access text-based LLMs have been introduced since then, including MosaicML's MPT, Together AI's RedPajama-INCITE, TII's Falcon, Meta's Llama 2, and Mistral 7B. Zephyr-7B is built upon Mistral 7B due to its strong performance. Researchers have also focused on improving small model performance by distilling knowledge from larger models. The self-instruct method and Alpaca model were among the early works in this area. Other models like Vicuna and WizardLM explored different approaches to distillation. In this work, the authors not only focus on distilling supervised fine-tuning (SFT) but also preference optimization. They compare their approach with Xwin-LM which uses PPO for preference optimization. To evaluate the performance of language models, various benchmarking tools have been developed. These tools use powerful LLMs such as GPT-4 and Claude to score or rank model responses in pairwise settings. Examples include the LMSYS chatbot arena benchmarks, AlpacaEval leaderboard, MTBench for multi-turn instructions evaluation across task categories, HuggingFace Open LLM leaderboard, Chain-of-Thought Hub, ChatEval, and FastEval. The goal of this work is to align an open-source large language model with user intent. The approach involves using a larger teacher model πT for prompted generation queries and producing a student model πθ through several stages similar to InstructGPT. Step 1 involves distilled supervised fine-tuning (dSFT), where the goal is to maximize the log likelihood of the student model's outputs compared to a dataset C consisting of input–output pairs (x , y). The detailed longer summary provides an overview of related work in the field including the development of open LLMs and approaches for improving small model performance through distillation. It also highlights benchmarking tools used for evaluating language models.
Created on 01 Nov. 2023

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