Loops and Knots as Topoi of Substance. Spinoza Revisited

Authors: Rainer E. Zimmermann

42 pages

Abstract: The relationship between modern philosophy and physics is discussed. It is shown that the latter develops some need for a modernized metaphysics which shows up as an ultima philosophia of considerable heuristic value, rather than as the prima philosophia in the Aristotelian sense as it had been intended, in the first place. It is shown then, that it is the philosophy of Spinoza in fact, that can still serve as a paradigm for such an approach. In particular, Spinoza's concept of infinite substance is compared with the philosophical implications of the foundational aspects of modern physical theory. Various connotations of sub-stance are discussed within pre-geometric theories, especially with a view to the role of spin networks within quantum gravity. It is found to be useful to intro-duce a separation into physics then, so as to differ between foundational and empirical theories, respectively. This leads to a straightforward connection bet-ween foundational theories and speculative philosophy on the one hand, and between empirical theories and sceptical philosophy on the other. This might help in the end, to clarify some recent problems, such as the absence of time and causality at a fundamental level. It is implied that recent results relating to topos theory might open the way towards eventually deriving logic from physics, and also towards a possible transition from logic to hermeneutic.

Submitted to arXiv on 27 Apr. 2000

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