DERA: Enhancing Large Language Model Completions with Dialog-Enabled Resolving Agents

Authors: Varun Nair, Elliot Schumacher, Geoffrey Tso, Anitha Kannan

License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as valuable tools for many natural language understanding tasks. In safety-critical applications such as healthcare, the utility of these models is governed by their ability to generate outputs that are factually accurate and complete. In this work, we present dialog-enabled resolving agents (DERA). DERA is a paradigm made possible by the increased conversational abilities of LLMs, namely GPT-4. It provides a simple, interpretable forum for models to communicate feedback and iteratively improve output. We frame our dialog as a discussion between two agent types - a Researcher, who processes information and identifies crucial problem components, and a Decider, who has the autonomy to integrate the Researcher's information and makes judgments on the final output. We test DERA against three clinically-focused tasks. For medical conversation summarization and care plan generation, DERA shows significant improvement over the base GPT-4 performance in both human expert preference evaluations and quantitative metrics. In a new finding, we also show that GPT-4's performance (70%) on an open-ended version of the MedQA question-answering (QA) dataset (Jin et al. 2021, USMLE) is well above the passing level (60%), with DERA showing similar performance. We release the open-ended MEDQA dataset at

Submitted to arXiv on 30 Mar. 2023

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