Crisis' Heritage Management - New Business Opportunities Out of the Financial Collapse

AI-generated keywords: Financial Crisis OREO Properties Crisis Heritage Management Value Chain Critical Thinking

AI-generated Key Points

  • Crisis heritage management of commercial real estate owned (OREO) properties presents opportunities for the national economy
  • Proactive and professional management, along with the right attitude from stakeholders, can stabilize the system and bring liquidity into it
  • OREO properties can be optimized through cost maintenance, re-engineering, and intensive marketing to create new profitable business and investment opportunities
  • The financial crisis provides a second chance for economic growth
  • Lack of agreement among economists prevents collaboration on practical issues
  • "Leftovers" from the financial crisis can be seen as burdens or starting points for a new value chain requiring special managerial efforts
  • Experts often focus on coping with issues without fully comprehending them
  • Stakeholders should view what is left after the crisis as a heritage rather than a burden
  • Proper selection and usage of information is crucial in decision-making processes
  • Critical evaluation of viewpoints and questioning assumptions is important in determining fair values.
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Authors: Hristian Daskalov

arXiv: 1612.08689v1 - DOI (q-fin.GN)
Presented at the 2013 Sofia Business School Master Classes in Global Risks Management
License: CC BY 4.0

Abstract: This paper intends to present the opportunities emerging for the national economy, out of the financial crisis. In particular the management of those, which arise from the commercial real estate owned property sector, defined by the author as crisis heritage management. On one hand, as real estate property prices are subject of wide fluctuations, the longer possession of such assets can seriously impact the financial condition of the already shattered financial institutions, but on the on other - with the help of professional and proactive management, and the right kind of attitude by all the stakeholders, the heritage left out of the financial collapse, can not only help stabilize the system - bringing liquidity into it, but can also support its healthy corporate governance in the long-term. The properties themselves (business buildings, warehouses, retail-and-office spaces), being an object of optimization of maintenance costs, re-engineering, intensive marketing, as a result of the crisis, can serve as a solid base for number of new and profitable business and investment opportunities, described in the article, as a proof of the healing effect of the financial crisis and the second chance it gives.

Submitted to arXiv on 27 Dec. 2016

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Results of the summarizing process for the arXiv paper: 1612.08689v1

This paper discusses the opportunities that arise for the national economy from the financial crisis, specifically focusing on the management of commercial real estate owned (OREO) properties. The author refers to this as crisis heritage management. While the longer possession of these assets can negatively impact already struggling financial institutions due to fluctuations in property prices, proactive and professional management, along with the right attitude from stakeholders, can help stabilize the system and bring liquidity into it. Additionally, these properties can be optimized through cost maintenance, re-engineering, and intensive marketing, creating new profitable business and investment opportunities. The article argues that these opportunities demonstrate the healing effect of the financial crisis and provide a second chance for economic growth. The introduction highlights two common understandings in economics: economists often hold opposing views on economic problems, and both views are often proven wrong. This lack of agreement among economists prevents collaboration on practical issues where common ground could be found. The paper aims to address this by focusing on the "leftovers" from the financial crisis - assets that can either be seen as burdens or as a starting point for a new value chain requiring special managerial efforts. The paper emphasizes that experts often focus on how to cope with issues without closely monitoring or fully comprehending them. For example, states may prioritize restoring confidence in the financial system without improving its management. Instead of aiming to restore the status quo, which may not have been ideal in the first place, stakeholders should view what is left after the crisis as a heritage rather than a burden. The proper selection and usage of information is crucial when investigating a point of view or reaching a conclusion. Increased accuracy in this aspect allows for better preparation against unknowns while reducing long-term expenses. It is important to critically evaluate even viewpoints from proven experts and question assumptions used in determining fair values. Overall, this paper argues that proactive management of OREO properties can contribute to stabilizing and revitalizing the national economy after a financial crisis. It emphasizes the need to view these properties as opportunities rather than burdens and highlights the importance of accurate information and critical thinking in decision-making processes.
Created on 10 Nov. 2023

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