Robo-advising: Learning Investors' Risk Preferences via Portfolio Choices

AI-generated keywords: Robo-advising Reinforcement learning Risk preferences Portfolio choices Retail

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  • Reinforcement learning framework for retail robo-advising
  • Main challenge: robo-advisors not knowing investor's risk preference initially
  • Learning investor's risk preference through observing portfolio choices over time
  • Exploration-exploitation algorithm to balance solicitations and autonomous trading decisions
  • Aims to converge to optimal value function within a polynomial number of periods
  • Correcting for investor mistakes can potentially outperform stand-alone investor
  • Novel approach using reinforcement learning techniques in retail robo-advising
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Authors: Humoud Alsabah, Agostino Capponi, Octavio Ruiz Lacedelli, Matt Stern

arXiv: 1911.02067v2 - DOI (q-fin.PM)

Abstract: We introduce a reinforcement learning framework for retail robo-advising. The robo-advisor does not know the investor's risk preference, but learns it over time by observing her portfolio choices in different market environments. We develop an exploration-exploitation algorithm which trades off costly solicitations of portfolio choices by the investor with autonomous trading decisions based on stale estimates of investor's risk aversion. We show that the algorithm's value function converges to the optimal value function of an omniscient robo-advisor over a number of periods that is polynomial in the state and action space. By correcting for the investor's mistakes, the robo-advisor may outperform a stand-alone investor, regardless of the investor's opportunity cost for making portfolio decisions.

Submitted to arXiv on 05 Nov. 2019

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The paper "Robo-advising: Learning Investors' Risk Preferences via Portfolio Choices" by Humoud Alsabah, Agostino Capponi, Octavio Ruiz Lacedelli, and Matt Stern introduces a reinforcement learning framework for retail robo-advising. The authors address the main challenge of robo-advisors not initially knowing an investor's risk preference. However, through observing portfolio choices in different market environments over time, the robo-advisor can learn this preference. To tackle this problem, the authors develop an exploration-exploitation algorithm that balances costly solicitations from the investor with autonomous trading decisions based on stale estimates of their risk aversion. This algorithm aims to converge to the optimal value function of an omniscient robo-advisor within a polynomial number of periods in both state and action space. The key contribution of this research is demonstrating that by correcting for investor mistakes, the robo-advisor can potentially outperform a stand-alone investor regardless of opportunity cost. Overall, this study presents a novel approach to addressing the challenge of learning investors' risk preferences in retail robo-advising by leveraging reinforcement learning techniques and developing an effective exploration-exploitation algorithm.
Created on 04 Jan. 2024

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